13 augusti, 2019

Talk: "Chicken brain, magnetic compass and shared parenthood – to be a bird – what is that like?" with Magnus Ullman

A bird – what is it really? So familiar… look a little more closely and you are soon posing existential questions like What’s it like to be a bird? And What’s it like to be a person? Or a moose? Elephant seal? Questions which open the door to what sort of personalities hide beneath all the feathers.


By making comparisons with ourselves (mammals), and a variety of other creatures, the mist clears around the question of what a bird is. Or a human.


Listen to Magnus Ullman who, since 1981, has regularly contributed to BirdLife Sweden’s magazine Vår Fågelvärld. Since 1984 he has published around 10 books on birds. He is a travel guide, lecturer, photographer and more and has been based in Österlen for many years, see Fåglar på Österlen.

